Innovations in the works

Automated metering system meets LEED certification standards


LEED is a certification program that regulates and encourages green building projects. It is a third party organization that verifies that a building is environmentally friendly. We’ve developed an automated system that makes meeting these requirements simple.

Our LEED Metering System acts as a control panel that allows you to connect gas meters, water meters, BTU meters, as well as electrical metering into one comprehensive monitoring system. This meter collects raw data, organizes the data into a readable format and sends it to the LEED auditor to ensure consumption regulations are being met.

System versatility

Although this metering system was developed specifically for LEED certification standards, it has potential to be implemented across much broader range of commercial applications. Awareness and advanced control over your energy consumption is an advantage to any small business and architectural development.

Monitor usage on a daily basis within any given company
Apartments – Read individual units from within an apartment building
Commercial Malls – Sub-meter each tenant for increased cost savings


system integration




energy management


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