Innovations in the works
Efficient energy management through peak load predictions
Having a good understanding of your facilities energy consumption can have a drastic effect on your bottom line. Digital Engineering’s Coincidental Peak Load Control system was developed to keep our clients ahead of the curve with their energy usage. Global Adjustment Charges are paid proportionally by loads and during 5 peak hours each year, industry is charged for their proportional energy consumed. During these 5 peak hours, it is ideal that your facility is using the least amount of energy in order to drastically reduce charges.
Coincidental Peak Load Control predicts these peak loads.
We work with clients to effectively analyze their consumption habits and along with data supplied by IESO, can more accurately predict when these peaks will hit throughout the year. The predictive algorithm is based on scale, which adjusts based on predicted peaks and other variables that will effect energy on a wide-scale.
Once a peak is predicted, an alarm is sent through a variety of channels – email, text messages, phone calls, integrated process controls. We have the ability to work with automated control systems in order to regulate energy consumption within moments of a prediction, potentially savings industry clients millons of dollars.
- Reduce Global Adjustment charges by lowering Peak Demand Factor (PDF)
- Dynamic web based display of provincial peak forecasts (IESO & Digital Engineering Adjusted)
- Operational notices and alarms via e-mail, text messaging, DCS interface (OPC), discrete I/O for audible or visual devices
- Real-time load curtailment during peak events
- Real-time meter interface for recording coincidental facility load
- Tracks multiple peaks with coincident load reporting
- Supports post event adjustments to provincial peaks
- Average R.O.I within one year